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Melia Mexico Reforma Mexico City Mexico

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Agency Tel:
0800 567 0050(FREEPHONE)
Meliá México Reforma, Paseo de la Reforma, 1 , 06030, Mexico City, Mexico  06030

Melia Mexico Reforma Mexico City Mexico is a hotel located in Mexico City, Mexico, mexico.

It has 32 conference and meeting rooms and can cater for capacities from 12 delegates to 850 delegates.

Should you wish to make an enquiry at this venue, our agents will be only too happy to help. Simply click 'Make an Enquiry' to get a quote for the Melia Mexico Reforma Mexico City Mexico.

Mexico City is the oldest capital in the American continent; it’s historic center and plaza were named by UNESCO a World Heritage Site given its rich cultural history--from the ruins of the ancient Aztecs, to colonial and religious buildings, to its art nouveau architecture. This is the most visited area in all of Mexico City and it is just steps away from Meliá Mexico Reforma, one of the finest hotels Mexico City has to offer. The Mexico City hotel is nearby government buildings and financial institutions and its location makes it the ideal place to stay for the business or leisure traveler. The city has the largest number of museums in the world and after New York, London and Toronto offers the largest number of theaters in the world.

Step inside a world of incomparable elegance, exquisite design and premier service. Step inside Gran Meliá Mexico Reforma Hotel, one of the finest resorts in Mexico. This 489 guestroom hotel is located on Paseo de la Reforma and offer ...


Call us now on 0800 567 0050 to book

Conference and Meeting room capacities Layout Examples Layout Examples

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec. H L W A
Reforma 820 600 180 - 640 135 850 4 1 592 592
Revolucion 1 300 250 86 - 220 60 180 3 16 16.5 264
Revolucion 2 300 250 86 - 400 60 180 3 16 16.5 234
Reforma 1 400 275 180 - 320 85 420 4 15.1 19.5 294
Reforma 2 400 275 94 - 320 85 420 4 14.9 19.5 291
Reforma 3 160 150 46 - 100 60 160 4 31.62 46.52 1471
Revolucion 700 432 140 - 480 170 650 3 99.08 54.46 5396
Alameda 1 60 40 26 - 50 27 45 3 7.8 7.1 55
Alameda 2 60 40 26 - 50 27 45 3 7.8 7.1 55
Alameda 3 60 40 26 - 50 27 45 3 8.7 7.1 62
Alameda 4 60 40 26 - 50 27 45 3 7.8 7.1 55
Alameda 5 60 40 26 - 50 27 45 3 7.8 7.1 55
Alemeda 4 y 5 60 40 26 - 50 27 45 3 15.7 7.1 111
Juarez 340 210 70 - 230 50 300 3 - - -
Gran Insurgentes 200 150 62 - 200 64 200 - - - -
Gran Insurgentes A 60 40 26 - 50 27 60 - - - -
Gran Insurgentes B 90 60 34 - 80 31 90 - - - -
Alameda 6 120 80 52 - 100 54 90 3 7.1 17.5 124
Gran Insurgentes C 42 30 34 - 30 26 40 - - - -
Insurgentes 1 100 56 34 - 100 40 150 - - - -
Insurgentes 2A 36 20 14 - 30 24 30 - - - -
Insurgentes 2B 60 40 26 - 50 27 60 - - - -
Insurgentes 2C 20 12 16 - 20 12 20 - - - -
Insurgentes 3 240 170 54 - 180 50 200 3 - - -
Insurgentes 4 240 170 54 - 180 50 200 3 - - -
Insurgentes 5 210 150 36 - 130 40 180 3 - - -
Insurgentes 5 NTE 90 60 36 - 60 27 90 3 - - -
Insurgentes 5 SUR 40 30 26 - 50 24 35 3 - - -
Insurgentes 6 200 140 36 - 130 40 180 3 - - -
Insurgentes 6 NTE 90 60 26 - 50 24 90 3 - - -
Insurgentes SUR 90 60 36 - 60 37 90 3 - - -
Insurgentes 7 240 170 54 - 180 50 200 3 - - -
Key: H = Height / L = Length / W = Width / A = Area

Venue Location & Map

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Hi, are you interested in holding a meeting or an event at melia mexico reforma mexico city mexico. I'm Rebecca and I'm an expert Venue finder. I can help get you a great deal at this venue.
Please call me on +44(0)845 351 9917 or alternatively simply leave your details below and I will contact you asap.

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